Pray, Then Preach
“Edward McKendree Bounds was born in Shelby County, Missouri, in 1835. When he was twenty-four years old he acknowledged his call to preach, and pastored churches in his denomination in Missouri, Tennessee and Alabama. Later he served as an editor of The Christian Advocate. His work was finished and he went home to be with the Lord, the One whose communion in prayer he had treasured so much, on August 24, 1913.
Although he wrote prolifically on a number of subjects, E. M. Bounds is best known for his books on prayer. The book, Power Through Prayer, from which the selections in this little booklet are taken, has been reprinted several times by different publishers, and has been published in a number of translations.
Because much of what is contained here is written to preachers, I have used as a title, Pray, Then Preach. My prayer is that as you read these messages they will inspire you to become a preacher who will be identifiable as one who has been with God.” – Bishop Billy D. Murray
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